Race by Philipp Ebert on 21.06.2024

SailorPhilipp Ebert
BoatRS Aero 9
Wind33 deg
Course1 x up and down
Length of course0.11 NM
Race start15:27:01
Finish time16:11:00
Scoring speed0.15 kn


1.52 kn

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Position at the start

At the start of the race, the distance from the starting line was about 45.41m.
Compared to other races with the RS Aero 9 on our website, this is closer to the start line than 53% of the recorded races with the remaining 47% starting closer to the line.

  • The start line was crossed closer to the port side of the line. What was the reason for this?
  • The initial tack was a port tack. Why was the start on that tack?

Post race start position

Within in the first 30 seconds of the race, a gain of approximately 0m in height measured from the start line was achieved. For the RS Aero 9 in such wind condition, this is better than 34% of the races recorded on our platform whilst the other 66% are positioned in front after 10s into the race.