Class rankings

RS Aero
No data available

How are rankings calculated?

Calculation of the rankings follows the procedure described by the German sailing federation as outlined in attachment 1 of their "Ranglistenordnung".

For every entry in a regatta organised by the class association, points are assigned using the following formula:
Points = f * 100 * ((s+1-x)/s) with:
f: Ranking factor to be determined by the class association 1.0 ≤ f ≤ 1.6
s: Number of boats that finished at least one race in the regatta
x: Overall place of the corresponding boat in a regatta

A multiplier m is used to weight the points depending on number of races in the competition:

  • m = 5 for events with more than two days and 6 or more races
  • otherwise m = number of races, with a max of m=4

For the final ranking, the average of the best 9 scores is used. For regional rankings (Worldwide, Europe, etc.) only competitions with ranking factor >= 1.3 are considered. For national rankings all competitions by the class associations are considered.