Sailing and Dinghy Sailing App

The SailingMetrics app is a useful sailing and dinghy sailing app that offers a wide range of functionalities:

  • Participation in the decentralized SailingMetrics competition
  • Location tracking and video recording for analysis
  • Regatta management with time tracking
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Participate in the SailingMetrics League

The app allows you to participate in the SailingMetrics league, a decentralized sailing competition. The app allows you to:

  • Track location and optionally record video at official sailing competitions
  • Create virtual races for solo training or racing with friends

Tracks are automatically uploaded and scored. We also offer a wide range of post-race analysis functionality.

Training and Coaching Functionalities

The app also supports your training, no matter if you are training alone, with a coach or with friends:

  • Location tracking using the smartphone's GPS sensor
  • Video recording (requires secure mounting of your device)
  • Remote coaching using video, audio and location streaming
  • AI-based sailing video analytics
    Coming soon

Once you have completed your track or training session, you can directly upload your data to SailingMetrics to analyze your track and calculate metrics such as maximum speed, velocity made good (VMG) or velocity made good on course (VMC).

App for Regatta Management with Time Tracking

The SailingMetrics app helps you to organise and run a sailing competition.

  • Creation of sailing competitions
  • Use of competition classes for separate scoring
  • Stream live location of entries
  • Various start sequences in the app
  • Timing functionality for races
  • Automated scoring with different handicapping systems (Yardstick, Portsmouth Yardstick or correction factors)
  • Export race and competition results to csv and other formats
Download from Google Play

Contact us for details on iOS releases.

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